Each Greater Enrichment Program afterschool site has a Parent Advisory Board that meets monthly and serves as a decision-making body. The board is an advocate for parents. Feedback on GEP services and programming is collected from parents, and the board acts as a liaison to provide this critical feedback to the GEP staff and board of directors.
The Parent Advisory Board also coordinates training opportunities and workshops for parents. This is an important component of GEP. We encourage parents and guardians to become actively involved in the learning activities for their children while pursuing their own personal growth. GEP has adopted an objective five-point training program to meet parent and guardian needs.
1. To be trained for and seek employment that will provide a better way of life
2. To improve parenting skills
3. To eliminate the stigma of illiteracy
4. To encourage upward mobility and advocacy for education
5. To increase awareness of school standards, promotion guidelines and their children's educational needs

"Everything depends on upbringing."
- Leo Tolstoy